Monday, March 23, 2015

~Be the Moon, Reflect the Son~

I saw a sign the other day that said, "Be the moon and reflect the Son," and I thought it would make an excellent thought for a blog post.

First, let us think about some of the sun's characteristics.

  • The sun provides light in the dark.
  • The sun allows us to clearly see.
  • There would be no life without the sun. 
  • The sun is available to the entire world for free; (nobody has to pay for the sun.)

That's great, now let's look at some of the Son's characteristics.

  • He provides light in the dark. (John 1:5)
  • He enables us to see things more clearly; (John 9:39)
  • We cannot have eternal life without Him. (John 1:4)
  • He is available to the entire world, for free. (John 3:16)
Our job is not to be the light for people. Jesus was the light, the only light they need. Our job is to simply reflect that light in the darkness of this world. That is the light that people need to see. (Matthew 5:16 and Acts 13:47)

The moon will never be as bright as the sun, just like we will never be as bright as the Son. Remember that light is obvious. We know when something is lit up, especially in the dark. (As a matter of fact, the darker it is, the more obvious light should be.)
The darker this world gets, the more obvious our light should be.
The question is, what will you do with the light of Christ? Are you reflecting His light? Are you hiding it under a bushel?
Get your shine on :)

I pray this helped you in some way!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

-Why We Don't Give Up-

Perseverance, persistence, the prize! The Christian life was never promised to be an easy way to live; instead, Paul constantly reminds us that we must have a purpose and a plan because times will be difficult and satan will attack. But We never persevere without the promise of a prize- a promise God will keep. 

[1 Corinthians 9:24-27] 
The purpose: run to get the prize. 
The plan: discipline your body, training it. 
The prize: an eternal prize. 

[Galatians 6:7-10]
The purpose: run with purpose in every step. 
The plan: live to please the Spirit.   
The prize: everlasting life. 

[Ephesians 6:10-20]
The purpose: don't get tired of doing good. 
The plan: use every piece of Gods armor to resist the enemy. 
The prize: still standing firm after the battle. 

[Philippians 3:12-14] 
The purpose: don't give up. 
The plan: forget the past; press on to reach the end of the race. 
The prize: the heavenly prize for which God calls you. 

[2 Timothy 2:1-13]
The purpose: preach and teach the good news. 
The plan: endure suffering as a soldier, and don't get tied up in worldly affairs.
The prize: we will live with Christ; we will reign with Him.  

{Miera Noel}