Hey everyone! I thought today we would talk about/explain something that can be kind of confusing...The difference between a 'Standard' and a 'Conviction'
Many thanks to my dad who helped me with this post, and explained the difference to me!
Let's get started! Let's first look at the definitions of each one:
Conviction- "An unshakeable belief in something without need for proof or evidence" (Wordbook Dictionary) A conviction is a belief...a decision I have made about a subject based on the knowledge that I have on that specific subject. (This includes secular and Biblical knowledge, as well as spiritual discernment.) For the Christian, a conviction is generally based on Biblical principle, and not on direct precept.
*Precept-an actual law, for example: "Thou shalt not steal." Enough said.
*Principle-explained by law, for example: Don't Smoke. There is no direct commandment given to not smoke, but the established principle..."your body is a temple..." (Found in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
Standard-"Established or well-known or widely recognized as a model of authority." (Wordbook Dictionary) A standard is a Biblical precept or rule that we are expected to keep. God gives us clearly defined rules of behavior, (precepts) and we use those as our basis for social life. "Thou shalt not..." or "Go ye..."
As example of this, let's look at how we dress. When we are discussing how we should dress, it must be the understood that styles of clothing have changed dramatically in the past few thousand years-but we have been given specific precepts and principles that should guide us in our dressing habits.
For instance..."Thou shalt make them linen breeches to cover their nakedness; from the loins even unto the thighs they shall reach..." (Exodus 28:42) While there is no verse that says "Thou shalt not wear mini-skirts..." There IS a Biblical principle that shows us that the baring of the thigh is considered nakedness. The thigh is referring to your whole thigh bone, going from your hip to your knee. So from this we can gather that our dress should not include things that would bare the thigh. This would be considered a conviction that is based on Biblical principle and not direct command.
Whereas, an example for a Standard would be..."Thou shalt not steal" or "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain." There are no if's, and's, or but's about it, the Lord said "Thou shalt not..." That is a standard, clearly defined.
I hope this helped you see the difference between the two, I know it helped me! Have a blessed week!❤️
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