They don’t just keep jumping over the same bar at the same
height. They raise it, because that will prompt them to go higher. It is the motivation
that they need to perform.
Christians need to Raise the Bar on our lives as well.
We don’t know our Bible like we should. We haven’t reached enough
souls for Christ, we haven’t pushed ourselves to be the best that we can be for
So, what do we need to be able to Raise the Bar?
- We need the Character to Live Right
- Be Willing to Please Him. (Live my life for His glory)
- Be Willing to Stand Out. (Not worry about fitting in)
- Be Willing to Stand Against Sin. (Not worried about keeping friends)
- We need the Courage to Dream Big.
- Have Dreams that are Inspired by His Word.
- Have Dreams that are Compatible with His Word.
- We need the Conviction to Keep Going.
- We will face Tests of Adversity. (Don’t give in to pressure)
- We will face Tests of Prosperity. (Don’t sell out for Money)
- We will face Tests of Purity. (Don’t sacrifice your Future for the Immediate)
If you are looking for motivation to
Raise the Bar, you need look no further than the Cross. Ask yourself: What can you Raise
the Bar on? How will you do it?
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