Wednesday, March 30, 2016

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Hey everyone!!! We are now on Instagram!! Head on over and give us a follow ☺️ Our username is "simplyseekinghim" 

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•Outfit Inspiration👗👠 
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Saturday, March 26, 2016

~Serving the Lord~

What is it like growing up on the mission field? Well, I've always thought it was pretty awesome! The Lord allowed me the special privilege of being born into a missionary family. My parents have been missionaries to Brazil, South America for over 30 years. Many people when they hear the word “missionary”  think, “poor people, they have to go and tell people about the Lord in strange countries.” But I don’t think of it has a “I have to go”,  I think of it more as a “I get the opportunity to go”.  Missionary life is not as bad as some people think! It’s pretty amazing! I mean, we get to go to different countries, learn different languages and customs, meet different people, make friendships with people around the word, travel to places most ordinary people will never be a able to go to, and still bring people to Jesus and get rewards in heaven!!! Now, don’t get me wrong, missionary life is not just a bed of roses. We have our hard times just like everyone else, and sometimes even worse then most people just because we are missionaries! But it’s at those times where we get to see the Lord come through for us and help us in ways that others don’t get to! If you feel the Lord calling you into his service, be it a pastors wife, or a missionary’s wife, or even a single missionary, don’t be worried or scared!!! Believe me you will have so many stories to tell about how God came through for you and your family at the last minute, or how God did the impossible, or how God was working and YOU were able to see tons of people get saved!!!  I know one thing, the most exciting stories that I have to tell people are ones just like that! And It also helps to strengthen our faith in the Lord! When you have no one else to run to, and God is all you have, you will find that He is all you need!! 
Another reason why you shouldn’t be scared or worried about taking this step of faith and letting God use your life as He will, is that there are so many souls out there dying and going to hell. And every minute you sit thinking and wondering if its worth getting up out of your comfortable chair, and leaving your air-conditioned house, and all of the comforts and conveniences you have, to go to another country, or even to just step our of your house and tell someone about Jesus; people are dying and going to hell! And their last thought is, “I wish I had someone to tell me what is going to happen after this life!” .  
Carnival in Brazil is a very wicked time!  It’s basically a week long party were they do everything immoral that they want, it’s kind of like Mardi Gras. After that time of wickedness,  basically the whole country pays a penance, kind of trying to “pay” for the sins they committed during carnival. For forty days they abstain from anything that they enjoy or that would bring them happiness. This week is called “Semana Santa” or “Holy week” , and many people don’t eat any meat this week. Some people will go up a very large mountain on their knees to pay for their sins!!! They have processions all through town trying to get forgiveness from God and Mary. Last Sunday (Palm Sunday) they went through town throwing down palm leaves in front of a cart that had a statue of Jesus on it, in remembrance of when Jesus went into Jerusalem on the donkey. Next Sunday (Easter Sunday) they will have a man dress up like Jesus, and they will “crucify”  him (he does not actually die, they take him down afterwards). They do all of this trying to get acceptance from God, and they think that this will make Him happy!! They are so blind!!  I’ve seen this happen year after year!!  These are the type of people that we have come to share the gospel with, and this is the type of people that maybe the Lord is calling you to share the gospel with!!! You may think, “Well, I’m not good enough” or “I don’t know if I can take it” . Well first of all, none of us are “good enough” . But if we allow God to use us, great things will happen! Not because of us, but because of Him in us!  And second, God is never going to call you into something or ask you to do something that you can’t take! He will capacitate you!!  So this week try getting out of your comfort zone! Try handing a tract out to some one! Only eternity will show how many lives you impacted with one simple gospel tract! 
Matthew 9:37 “Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.”
Romans 10: 14-15 “ 14. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? 15. And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” 
Let the Lord you use you in a great way this week! I hope this was a blessing to someone! May God bless you and give you a good rest of the week! 


Monday, March 7, 2016


There is a conflict in the minds of many young women today; they are torn between wanting to dress modestly and Godly, and fitting in with the people around them. The problem is that they don't want to be different from the world. The Bible tells us in 1 Peter 2:9 "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:" It's ok to be different! A wise woman once told us to think of it like Kate Middleton/Princess Kate. Kate doesn't dress like a commoner. She's a princess. Is a princess different than a commoner? Yes! Is Kate dressing like a commoner just so she won't stand out and be different? No! Why? Because she has a higher calling. In the same manner, we as Christians have a higher calling. We are the daughters of the King! So why should we lower our standards just to be like the unsaved people? Ok, so you may ask, “‘Standards’, ‘higher calling’, ‘being different from the world...' what does all of that even mean?” Well, what many people don’t know is that the Bible talks a lot about how we should dress. The Bible gives us specific guidelines to follow concerning dress. In Deuteronomy 22:5 it clearly states that a woman should not wear the clothes that pertain to a man, and the man should not wear that which pertains to a woman. I know that many Christians buck at that and they don’t think that it's wrong for a woman to wear pants. They say, “Well, that's Old Testament stuff”. But in 1 Timothy 2:9 the Bible talks about adorning ourselves in modest apparel. Could you honestly tell me that pants on women are modest? When you see a women wearing pants that shows off her body do you think, “Wow, that woman must really love God! She has to be a Christian!” No! Nowadays it’s hard to tell who’s a Christian and who isn’t just by judging the way someone dresses. I think what it all comes down to is this simple question; Who are you trying to draw attention to? Yourself? Or God? When you are thinking about what to wear, you should ask yourself this question; “Would God be honored and glorified by my manner of dress?”  So you say, “Ok, fine. But there are some really immodest skirts out there too. So how short is too short?” Well, can you believe the Bible even talks about how long our skirts should be? It speaks about how the prostitutes uncover their thighs in Isaiah 47:2. The thigh is referring to your whole thigh bone, going from your hip to your knee. To show your naked leg is a shame. Nakedness in the Bible is always spoken of as shameful. You may be thinking, “What’s even the big deal about if I wear pants or not? Or if I dress modestly or not?” Well, there are two things you should know. First, at the end of that verse in Deuteronomy 22:5 it says, “All who do so are abomination to the Lord thy God.” So it's not that pants are an abomination. The person who wears them is an abomination to the Lord! I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to be an abomination to the Lord. And second of all, I go back to what we said at the start of this devotional. We are a chosen generation! A royal priesthood! Why dress like a commoner, when we could dress like a princess and bring honor to our King?! 

We've posted a couple pictures of modest outfit ideas down below :) If you have any questions feel free to comment below. We've set it so anyone can comment even if you don't have an account :) God Bless! 

{*Anna & Elizabeth*}