Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Happy New Year

New Year....this is the beginning of anything you want it to be. Page one of a 365 page book. How will you write it? This year...laugh more, worry less. Be YOU and don't try to be a copy of someone else. Realize life is short, say "I Love You" to those you care about. Reach out to help someone in need. Live life not looking for what others can do for you, but have a heart searching for what you can do to help others. Enjoy the little things. Read more. Complain less. Have a closer walk/relationship with God, depend on Him and lean on Him this year more than ever before. 
Strive to be the best you can be. Surround yourself with people who truly care about you, and let go of those who don't. Learn to let go, and let God take control this year. Know that 2016 will have valleys as well as mountains. Embrace the trials, for they will help you grow. 

As we look toward the new year, there are many people in this world who will be focused on making a New Years resolution... You should ask yourself; are the things you are resolving to do worthwhile? Do they have an eternal impact? 

Let us consider what we SHOULD be resolving, or committing to this new year. 

First, let us make sure we are saved. Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O Lord God of truth. (Psalm 31:5)

Then, if we are certain of that new life in Christ, let us commit to His direction in our lives. Commit thy way unto the Lord; (Psalm 37:5)

Finally, if we are certain we have accepted His gift, and are willing for Him to direct our lives, let us commit to doing the things that please Him in the coming year. Commit thy works unto the Lord, (Proverbs 16:3)

God Bless and have a fantastic New Year!!! 


Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Sharing the reason for the season

I love Christmas! It is such a great reminder of when the son of God became man and dwelt among us! And it is such a great opportunity for sharing the gospel! Week before last, we had our missions conference here in Brazil.  And my eyes were once again opened to the need of sharing the gospel to everyone!  I think that we all get used to hearing our pastors preach the same messages about how we need to tell people about Jesus, and that people are dying around us and going to hell. But I don’t think that it actually enters our mind that hell is FOREVER! If hell only lasted a hundred years, there would be some comfort for the people there. Or if it only lasted for a million or a billion years there would be some comfort for them, because they would know that someday there would be an end to their torment. But it’s not like that. There is no end. There is no comfort. That’s heart wrenching!  Most people think that being a missionary is about leaving your country and going to tell people across the oceans about Jesus. They fail to see that the greatest mission field is all around them! The people all around you are going to that awful place, and most of us are doing nothing about it. I’ve heard it put like this, “Not telling people around you about Jesus, is the same as you sitting in a firetruck that is parked right outside of a burning building, and you do nothing about it. You just sit there and let the people that are inside burn. You have the answer, you have the salvation that they need, but you simply blind your eyes of their need for salvation.” That means that our unsaved loved one’s future is up to us. Are we going to share with them the wonderful news of salvation? Or are we just going to sit in our firetruck and let them burn? Obviously before we can share the gospel, we must first make sure that our heart is right with the Lord. How can he use a dirty vessel?  Again, the Christmas season is such a great opportunity for sharing the plan of salvation. Because it all started with that little babe lying in a manger. I hope this was a blessing to someone and an encouragement to share the gospel! I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!  

Matthew 1:21 “ And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. 

Mark 16:15 “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
