Friday, June 26, 2015


Revival. Revival. Revival.
The word has been burning inside of me. I long to see revival now more than ever before. It burdens and breaks my heart to see America in the shape she is in, but there IS hope! I believe that we can see revival again in this nation.

My Pastor, Ralph Sexton Jr., has been preaching a lot on revival. I'd like to share some of his points with you.

For REAL Revival:
        We need to reinvest
           We need respect
              We need reverence

 If we want revival in our houses, in our churches, in our cities, in our nation, in our world, it must begin with us... with you and with me.

If we are gonna see revival, it has to start with me. It has to start in MY prayer life, in MY daily devotions, in MY relationship with Christ, with MY soul winning/witnessing.

If you can, please go watch this service on revival!  (scroll down to 6/10/15 service) It will bless and encourage your heart.

I’m hoping in my next post to talk about one of the first steps in my personal revival. My prayer life. I can never see a move of God and a great revival in America if I cant pray for it.

{Miera Cooper}

Monday, June 8, 2015

Christ's Love Has Been There All Along

I just love this song!!! It really reminds me that no matter what you go through, God's been there all along! I hope it's a blessing to you!!

All Along:

Time just drifts away and as I look back on the years, memories of happiness and bitter tears. Through it all there was a common thread that cannot be ignored. You were there teaching me to be Your servant, Lord.

All along, God's hand has been guiding me, shaping my life to be a beautiful song.
All along, He's led me through things that He knew would make me strong.
Christ's love has been there all along...

Every joy and pain have a reason of its own, now I realize that I was not alone.
The changing seasons of my life were not left up to chance. Lord, I know You were working to fulfill Your plan.
All along, Your hand has been guiding me, shaping my life to be a beautiful song.

All along, God's hand has been guiding me, shaping my life to be a beautiful song.
All along, He's led me through things that He knew would make me strong.
Christ's love has been there all along...

Tomorrow when I turn around and I look back at today, I will understand Your purpose and my thankful heart will say...

All along, God's hand has been guiding me, shaping my life to be a beautiful song.
All along, He's led me through things that He knew would make me strong.
Christ's love has been there all along...

By: Rebecca J Peck and Mark Lanier 
